Sean....New Brookland Tavern

Apologies to any and all who had to wait for their ales on my account last night. Sean was working behind the bar at New Brookland Tavern, and I dearly wanted a photo of his fringed jacket.  Thank you, sir. The jacket is marvelous, no?

What is an older gentleman such as myself doing at a tavern on a Monday night, you are justified in wondering. Indeed, a charming young chap had asked me to attend a concert by, I thought I heard him say, Kristi Yamaguchi.  Who knew the skater could sing?  It was, however, another example of why my friends have urged me to get an ear horn.  I was going to hear Rachel Yamagata--and she was quite good. In fact, I am her newest ardent fan--though I have no idea if she can ice skate.


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