I would not be much of a conversationalist if I merely said "both". So I sidestep the direct answer with this kickshaw: In her young rebellious days, my mother was a nurse with the Indian Army Nursing Service. As far back as I can remember, I was forbidden from uttering "khaki" in her presence. Not only does it derive from the Hindi word for dust-colored, she said, but it was popular slang along the lines of cacka and merde.
Despite my dear mum's aversion, I'm fond of khaki, both fabric and colour. It is popular in these parts, I suspect, for the same reason it is in other warm climes. Take this slim khaki suit, for example. It's neutral, the right weight for most seasons, durable, formal enough but not too...I could go on but then, perhaps, you might be reluctant to invite me to your next cocktail party. And that would cause me to murmur "oh khaki" indeed.