Melinda....Sideline Cool

At a Friday night football game, I was perspiring most unattractively in my less than cushy bleacher seat when I noticed this woman who seemed much more at ease with it all.

White denim, a simple brown top with an interesting layered element, sandals with a bit of shine and that bold necklace--she's demonstrating how restraint, attention to detail, and one strong accessory can add up to cool.

Which brings me to a variation on an annual question: does Labor Day spell the end for white denim? Or does white denim spell the end of Labor Day rules?


The Shop Tart said…
White jeans are classic with a fisherman's knit sweater and boots. I think the new rule is that you can't wear bare tops and/or bare shoes with white jeans after Labor Day.
Lord Maxwell said…
I like your new rule and favor any rule, frankly, that might result in a reduction of flip flops. Try though I might not to judge....I think it's the incessant thwacking that jangles my poor old nerves.

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