Lavell, Bryan & D.W.....Trenholm Plaza

Dear reader, imagine my delight when I spied not one--but two--young men wearing hats. Lavell, on the left, also happened to be wearing a marvelous fringed vest (and I do regret that you cannot see it in its glory. truly, I suppose, you cannot see it all, can you?). Bryan, center, was not wearing a hat--but had the richest, most melodious voice I've heard in some time. Indeed, who needs a hat when one has a voice such as that?

The three gentlemen were gracious about permitting me to interrupt their meal. They are, D.W. informed me, entertainers. They dance freestyle. I then recalled that I had seen them somewhere, in a video perhaps? Yes, they told me, I might well have see them in this one. As for the hats? "We wear hats a lot," D.W. said.


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